
Listed below are some really great resources that I plan to use in my class!

Teachers Pay Teachers
A technology tool that I recently discovered and have come to love is Teachers Pay Teachers. This site is mostly for teachers, but the students would benefit from it as well. It is a marketplace that allows teachers to buy, sell, and share original resources to use in their classrooms. The site has many advantages. The resources range from PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, activities, Smart Board Presentations and other various activities. Most of them are inexpensive or free to download. After purchasing or the item, whatever it may be, all that is left to do is download it and use it. Students will also love the cute activities that this site has to offer. Teachers Pay Teachers allows teachers to share ideas that could prove to be time saving. The only disadvantage that stands out is that it makes it too easy to buy a lesson or any other activities that may be needed for class. This could make the teachers too dependent on the ease of just picking a lesson and they may lose their originality. This site could prove to be very effective in aiding teacher with new ideas so that they can branch out from what they do on the normal day. Using this site along with original lessons and activities is a great way to keep students engaged. The most important thing is not to abuse it because it is there and easy to use. 



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