Tuesday, July 30, 2013


My philosophy of technology in education has somewhat changed since I had the opportunity to take a Technology class that actually revolved around using it for educational purposes.  I now see many more ways to use the technology and there are numerous devices and programs that make it all possible.  I have been introduced to things that I would have never thought of.  Technology is the one thing that we can count on making daily advancements.  It is for this reason that we, as future educators, should continually inform ourselves about the newest technology out there so that we can determine whether it would be beneficial for our students. After seeing the options that technology offers versus using the traditional pencil, paper, and whiteboard I can see myself integrating it quite often in my classroom.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Personal Learning Network's (PLN's)

A Personal Learning Network is system that helps teachers and students to set up a lifelong learning community.  This is a place where they are able to set goals for themselves and engage and share information with others.  These shared ideas help them to ensure success in obtaining the goals that have been set. PLN’s are great learning resources!   

It does not matter if you are a teacher or student, PLN’s can be important and useful when gathering information.  They can useful in locating resources for your classroom, getting lesson plan ideas from experienced teachers, learning about new technology, finding collaborative solutions to obstacles that may arise, and finding interesting links to educational news, webinars, and podcasts. 

We are all students and/or teachers of “Connectivism”, a theory that presumes that learning occurs as part of a social network of many diverse connections and ties.  We rely on the use of the internet which allows us to make the ties using learning networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Classroom 2.0 Live!, and numerous others that are available.  It is through the use of these sites that we are able to build strong PLN’s.  When building our own PLN it is key think about accessibility and responsibility.

Since starting my educational journey, whether through subbing at local schools or attending classes myself, I have managed to build a descent PLN of my own.  I have met many great people that have opened my eyes to the limitless resources and sites that are available to help me throughout this experience.  After each interaction with my colleagues, teachers, or peers I find my PLN expanding more and more.  Someone always has something interesting to bring to the table and recommendations are always welcome.  I am blessed to have such a strong network of people in my life!  I am always looking for new ways to approach learning and will keep using Google and future interactions with people to keep my PLN growing.       

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Learning in the 21st Century

 To be able to teach in the 21st century is a blessing.  We are able to get information out to the students and/or parents through the use of many virtual components that weren't available years ago.  We, as well as, the students have access many social networks, tools, digital literacy, etc.  The options are almost limitless.  We are here to teach them how to use these resources both securely and appropriately.  

Students of the 21st century have a new take on how they expect us to teach them.  By listening to and watching these students we are finding new ways to incorporate the components of Bloom's Taxonomy into everyday education.  As teachers we have got to learn how to integrate things such as Facebook, Skype, Google,  and other tools that could be used for educational purposes into the classroom.  Teachers need to know both the old and new methods of teaching in the classroom no matter the subject.  

Technology can fail so it doesn't hurt to have the tried and true method to fall back on.  There are many ways that we, as teachers, can engage our students in the classroom.  It just so happens that this generation of kids is techno savvy and they need to have these types of interactions at some point during instruction to keep them interested.  In today's class, technology provides a leverage that worksheets, manipulatives, and other types of instructional aides cannot.  Students love being able to bring their devices from home or check them out from school to have during class.  If used appropriately having such things available can prove to be helpful.  Allowing students to blog, create podcasts, and other types of global learning are a few ways for them to interact with the class as a whole or students in other places across the world.  

Having easy access to the internet makes it easier for the student to be able to and want to research topics that they would otherwise lose interest in before making it to the library.  Kids learn convenience at early ages now and it makes a world of difference when trying to gain and keep their attention.   It is true that it is hard to monitor what the students are seeing and doing when it comes to the internet but it can be done.  Students are eager to be engaged and it is up to us as educators to make sure that it happens.

The following link take you to a YouTube video called "The Networked Student" that I thought was really cute and interesting:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Blogging is something that I have always heard about but I have never read any until now.  Who knew that it could be so interesting?  I have noticed that reading one blog leads to reading another and another and time can easily escape you.  Blogging is a great way for both new and experienced teachers to share ideas and help each other.  Blogging in the classroom can be used to share information about the class with school faculty, students, and their parents.  Information such as assignments, class field trips, and other class happenings are among the many things that can be shared in a blog. 

Blogging has many advantages.  It can encourage students to interact with each other that normally wouldn’t otherwise.  Blogs can help bridge the gap and take down fences that many students have put up when it comes to certain subjects.  It can help them to become more comfortable with sharing their thoughts and improve necessary language skills such as reading and writing.  Proofreading their own posts and commenting on others can make them aware of simple mistakes before posting the blog or comment to the public site. 

Along with its advantages blogging does have disadvantages.  Accessibility may be an issue when it comes to getting online to post to the blog.  Most schools have an activity period or time set aside for centers where the student may be able to work on their blogs during school hours.  Another disadvantage would be monitoring what the students are able to access and view while setting up their blog.  Some things just aren’t appropriate for eyes of any age. 

Some helpful blogs that would be good resources for education students, such as myself and for current teachers are: