Monday, July 29, 2013

Personal Learning Network's (PLN's)

A Personal Learning Network is system that helps teachers and students to set up a lifelong learning community.  This is a place where they are able to set goals for themselves and engage and share information with others.  These shared ideas help them to ensure success in obtaining the goals that have been set. PLN’s are great learning resources!   

It does not matter if you are a teacher or student, PLN’s can be important and useful when gathering information.  They can useful in locating resources for your classroom, getting lesson plan ideas from experienced teachers, learning about new technology, finding collaborative solutions to obstacles that may arise, and finding interesting links to educational news, webinars, and podcasts. 

We are all students and/or teachers of “Connectivism”, a theory that presumes that learning occurs as part of a social network of many diverse connections and ties.  We rely on the use of the internet which allows us to make the ties using learning networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Classroom 2.0 Live!, and numerous others that are available.  It is through the use of these sites that we are able to build strong PLN’s.  When building our own PLN it is key think about accessibility and responsibility.

Since starting my educational journey, whether through subbing at local schools or attending classes myself, I have managed to build a descent PLN of my own.  I have met many great people that have opened my eyes to the limitless resources and sites that are available to help me throughout this experience.  After each interaction with my colleagues, teachers, or peers I find my PLN expanding more and more.  Someone always has something interesting to bring to the table and recommendations are always welcome.  I am blessed to have such a strong network of people in my life!  I am always looking for new ways to approach learning and will keep using Google and future interactions with people to keep my PLN growing.       

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